OCD and Anxiety Treatment for Adults in Tennessee


Fear and anxiety have a way of taking the things that you love most from you. Stop and think about it. What consumes most of your thoughts during the day?


Usually the worry thoughts are a threat to the things in life that we value, believe in, are passionate about, and love. When we believe in these worries we don’t get to be the best version of ourselves or enjoy the things that we’re most passionate about.


We feel trapped. We choose to stay there, because it feels too difficult or terrifying to change.


What to Expect

In Therapy works with you so you can get back to your true self and to doing the things you love to do. You can expect to receive education about your anxiety/OCD, gain understanding of how to manage your anxieties, and practice applying what you have learned.


Anxious on Purpose

Along the way, you and I will provoke your anxiety together on purpose. Through purposefully and regularly making yourself anxious, you will begin to find comfort in the discomfort. This is where the growth happens. My technique is to help you to grow back into the person who you want to be, so you can do the things you want to do.


Why We Know it Works 

In Therapy uses therapies that are evidenced based, meaning that they work because they have been researched, tested, and proven to be effective. There is hope, I have seen it work time and time again with my clients.


Ready to get started?


Set up a free 20 minute consultation call. During this phone call we’ll talk about what you want to work on in therapy, what an average session will look like for you, and allow space for you to ask any questions you have about therapy.